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Meet the Videographer

Hello! My name is Sam Orlowski! I am a native Pittsburgh videographer. I graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2019 with a degree in Film Studies, with a focus in editing. I currently work as a Part Time Video Production Assistant at Pitt Studios (within the Pitt Athletics department) and at the Pittsburgh Penguins. I make various social, in game, and TV show content for both corporations. But I freelance in broadcast and scoreboard shows as well.


I have also made my first short film titled "Thanks to Her", filmed in 2019 and finalized and uploaded to YouTube in 2020. The film has received an outpour of support and success on the YouTube platform, reaching 1.7M views as of end of 2022. My team and I kickstarted and produced the entire feature length version of "Thanks to Her" in 2021 and is currently in it's festival run as of 2022.


I can do social pieces, commercials, weddings, sporting events, etc. I can aid with reels, short films, feature films, etc.



Director Sam Orlowski takes viewers through a cathartic experience in her brilliant short film THANK TO HER. Sam’s expert story-telling creates an emotionally charged look at a world we have all experienced. She draws out the best from her characters with not only words, but also with the honesty of their actions and subtlety of their glances. When the moment of truth arrives in this film, Sam allows it to jump off the screen and envelop the viewer. This world and these people really exist, and Sam captures them perfectly in THANKS TO HER. There is not a single frame, nor a single word that does not wring with emotion. Sam Orlowski’s THANKS TO HER is a Master class in directing.

Kevin Michael Smith, Director of Undergraduate Studies –Broadcast / Senior Lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh

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